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Bread of Life - Turkey Donations


You have also been generous each year by donating turkeys and other food items for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.  This year, we will continue the distribution for Thanksgiving on Saturday, November 12th.  Therefore, we would prefer to receive market turkey certificates or market gift cards. Using turkey certificates will allow families to obtain a turkey from their local market and will help us with storage and handling.  


We will; however, be glad to receive turkeys for our Christmas distribution which will take place on Saturday, December 10th.  If you plan on dropping off a turkey, please contact the church office at 610-459-0248 beforehand.  Thank you.


God bless you for your continued support of our Bread of Life ministry.

Karen Jason


3rd Saturday of Every Month

Bread of Life

Various food stores and generous donors have partnered with our church to provide, free of charge, groceries and other necessities for families struggling in this difficult economy. Distribution takes place the 3rd Saturday of every month.


Those who wish to receive assistance must call 610-459-9875 in advance of upcoming distribution. Please leave your name and phone number. You will be contacted by a member of our committee to determine eligibility. Currently we have a list of 40 families we regularly assist.  Donations are joyfully accepted!

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